case study

narcissistic abuse survivor reclaims her power

Breakup with narcissist triggers childhood trauma

Ella* came fresh out of a relationship with an abusive narcissist. This triggered childhood trauma she had never dealt with. She found me to heal the heavy burden of a lifetime of physical, emotional and sexual abuse. She told me she had been betrayed by everyone she had ever been with. Every person who was meant to look after her, care for or love her had let her down or trampled over her in one way or another.

Escaping control, manipulation and molestation

She had been conditioned to not have boundaries. To accept being controlled, manipulated, bruised, molested and punished with silent treatment. She had recognised her pattern of escaping a situation or trauma and starting again with nothing and rebuilding her life. Yet she was haunted by disturbing dreams and flashbacks.

Surviving stress, anger and near-death for kids and work

Her stress levels were maxed out. She had been running on adrenaline since her ex left. She functioned in survival mode. Three months earlier she nearly died in A&E due to broken bones and infection. Her children and business kept her going and getting her to the end of every day. When provoked she would erupt in angry outbursts. She had forced herself to control them but strongly believed these impulses were rooted in her childhood experiences.

Trauma hypnotherapy and inner child healing

In the five months that we worked together, Ella worked on healing her inner child, letting go of emotional burdens and energy that did not belong in her system. She reclaimed parts of her soul that had been frozen in traumatic events. She learned to re-parent her younger selves. Giving them the love, care and trust that she never experienced. She visited traumatic memories to heal them and rewrite her story. This enabled her to find inner peace and create a safer inner world, stopping recurring dreams and flashbacks.

Feeling empowered and setting boundaries

After her third session, she gifted me her book. She excitedly told me she felt transformed. Like a new version of Ella 5.0! She noticed she talks and acts differently. Most importantly she is no longer taking people’s sh*t, instead, she is setting boundaries. She has learned to choose her response, rather than being sucked into drama. She messaged me “The immense power that’s come from this breakthrough journey with you that I’m on has been beyond measure. Thank you. I am very, very grateful for you.”

Winning an award, inner peace and justice

Ella received an industry award recognising her achievements. She has made changes in her business, taking time for self-care, and allowing herself to be and feel at peace. For the first time ever she went on a holiday by herself to relax, process, integrate and spend quality alone. After each session, she noticed an increased flow in her life; an unexpected inheritance, justice, and reviving processes that lay dormant for months.

No more alcohol or cigarette cravings

Eleven months after she tells me she is in a good place. She no longer smokes cigarettes or craves alcohol. Her body simply does not want it any more. She is looking after herself, her health and fitness by juicing and eating well.

Expressing her truth and demand justice

She is now passionate about speaking her truth. She is taking her abuser to court to demand justice and protect others. She is utterly committed to standing up for herself. Undeterred by the resistance she has to overcome to do so. This is a testament to her courage and increased sense of self-worth. She is no longer a victim. She has learned to trust herself and her intuition, feeling strong, focused and empowered.

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*Client’s name and image are altered for privacy reasons